Mutual Aid

PMI finds ways to engage in and amplify mutual aid projects in Chicago. We believe in the power of everyday people to build a more just world, fostering a network where everyone contributes and benefits.

Lumpen Magazine has been a platform for social justice for over 35 years. Today, The Mutual Aid Report radio show continues the mission, highlighting Chicago's 200+ active mutual aid groups. Hosted by the dynamic duo of Stephanie Manriquez and Mario Smith, the show delves into the heart of Chicago's vibrant mutual aid scene. Each episode spotlights individuals and organizations making a real difference at the grassroots level.  

As Mario Smith himself said on the episode, "The news media tends to focus on the worst aspects of neighborhoods...  The Mutual Aid Report aims to be a narrative changer."  The show shines a light on  the many success stories and grassroots efforts, like Grow Greater Englewood and The Love Fridge, that are building a stronger Chicago, one act of mutual aid at a time. The Mutual Aid Report highlights these inspiring community-based initiatives with the goal of elevating their profile, motivating others to join, and fostering collaboration across the city's vibrant network of mutual aid organizations.

While The Mutual Aid Report is a cornerstone of our efforts, PMI continues its commitment to direct action. Partnering with existing groups, we've provided essential resources, from phones for asylum seekers (over 200 phones and SIM cards distributed!) to basic supplies, making a real difference in our community.

Our collaborative spirit extends to past projects like the Chicago Area Mutual Aid Map and Directory, which connected people with food pantries, kitchens, and food security organizations. The Helping Handles: Tote Bags 4 Refugee Fundraiser is another example: local artists designed the bags, and proceeds directly support getting cell phones into the hands of asylum seekers, helping them connect with loved ones and navigate their new city.

By working together, learning from each other, and celebrating the collective power of everyday people, PMI stands alongside Chicago's vibrant network of mutual aid organizations. 

Past mutual aid projects, like Community Kitchen, can be found on our archive page.